East Area Panel

Actions of East Area Panel Meeting 17th May 2022

Deadline for staff to respond: 25 July midday





Geof Gage to ring Rosemary Johnson the day after the meeting regarding contract costs.

Geof Gage[HB1] [GG2] [GG3] [HB4] 

I called Rosemary and had a discussion on the point that she raised regarding contract costs and fully explained this to her full satisfaction

Geof Gage to be sent the address of the issue on page 23, and will investigate.

Geof Gage[HB5] 


Grant Ritchie to provide an up to date timeline for Kitchen Replacements to Ben D’Montigny

Grant Ritchie[HB6] 


Martin Reid to get in contact with Rosemary Johnson directly about Anti-Social Behaviour issues with the Housing First scheme.

Martin Reid[HB7] 


Rachel Chasseaud to send someone to investigate why Recycling wasn’t collected in Sandhurst Avenue.

Rachel Chasseaud[HB8] 



 [HB1]@Geofrey Gage

Done [GG2]

Done [GG3]

 [HB4]Hi Geof – you need to write your response into the Response box. All staff need to complete that box for each action. These messages will be deleted before it goes to print. Thanks


 [HB5]@Geofrey Gage – I have texted Chris Elshabbah (13/07/22) to remind her to send you that address. If she doesn’t send it in, then I guess your answer is simpler…

 [HB6]@Grant Ritchie

 [HB7]@Martin Reid

 [HB8]@Rachel Chasseaud @Lynsay Cook @Rosie Evans